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Top posting users this week Top posting users this Month
Most interesting topics Number of new topics by month
Most Logged On Users Number of new posts by month
Administrative Statistics  

Most Active Topics
Rank Replies Topic
2 281 KEDADA ANDALUZA!! finalizada con crónica,fotos y videos!!!
3 239 Adhesivos GP800 para las llantas -CERRADO-
4 226 Quedada Gepera???...
5 203 Quedada Levantina?
6 194 Escapes
7 180 Correa Dentada Para Nuestra Gp
8 154 Localización del tubo de retorno de gases
10 146 Gilera GP & Ymaha Tmax TURBO.

Most Viewed Topics
Rank Views Topic
2 244891 La SRV 850 añadida al foro!
3 237592 Correa Dentada Para Nuestra Gp
5 216299 Moto Sport Telemetry Tracker
7 184329 Localización del tubo de retorno de gases
8 152076 mantenimiento y revisiones de nuestras GP´s
9 151010 . CRONICA De Una KDD, Madrid 28 De Mayo 2011
10 137570 Quedada Gepera???...

Top Downloaded Attachments
# Filename File Comment Size (KB) Downloads Post Time Posted in Topic

Users who created most of the topics
Rank Username Topics Percent Graph
1 2JM 162 4%
2 farola 123 3%
3 burgmanpur 88 2%
4 RS 800GP 60 2%
5 ERASER 58 1%
6 Nibelungo 49 1%
7 odi 48 1%
8 Gallows Pole 47 1%
9 apariciovega 44 1%
10 Arsenico 43 1%

Top Posters
Rank Username Posts Percent Graph
1 farola 3848 9%
2 2JM 3801 9%
3 2Fjs 2354 5%
4 Arsenico 2259 5%
5 ERASER 1751 4%
6 RS 800GP 1059 2%
7 chuky 1058 2%
8 Nibelungo 930 2%
9 apariciovega 832 2%
10 burgmanpur 825 2%

Rank Gender Users Percent Graph
1 Male 2643 86%
2 Female 433 14%
3 None Specified 2 0%

Month Statistics
Date New Topics New Replies New Users
July 2024 8 11 19
June 2024 4 7 14
May 2024 7 7 11
April 2024 2 6 8
March 2024 3 6 9
February 2024 2 3 11
January 2024 6 9 17
December 2023 9 15 14
November 2023 4 7 9
October 2023 1 3 5
September 2023 - 5 10
August 2023 3 6 6
Table Sum 49 85 133
Table Average 4.45 7.08 11.08

Number of new users by month
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2007 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2008 1 1 2 6 43 25 16 25 25 21 12 14
2009 9 11 21 10 16 21 14 19 15 25 34 15
2010 22 20 17 30 33 24 23 14 18 23 11 13
2011 15 26 17 23 18 17 18 12 23 18 13 11
2012 9 5 10 7 8 13 14 16 11 15 10 7
2013 9 10 6 11 2 10 11 15 11 14 6 7
2014 4 11 12 8 9 7 6 4 12 7 2 2
2015 3 2 5 5 4 5 5 1 7 4 3 8
2016 11 6 3 7 5 4 4 6 6 4 8 3
2017 4 6 11 8 6 6 6 11 11 17 14 13
2018 4 12 7 9 21 7 12 10 9 13 5 15
2019 25 41 34 43 30 16 34 31 28 28 35 35
2020 37 49 37 52 38 34 20 44 62 52 59 37
2021 19 17 37 25 10 5 21 27 20 8 21 30
2022 26 11 10 13 15 11 13 27 21 11 9 10
2023 15 11 16 19 6 14 8 6 10 5 9 14
2024 17 11 9 8 11 14 19 0 0 0 0 0

Where our members are from
Rank From where How many
1 España 119
2 madrid 40
3 Barcelona 30
5 Valencia 19
6 España 14
7 Zaragoza 11
8 Malaga 10
9 México 9
10 Spain 7

Average posts per user
Average Posts per User: 14

Top posting users this week [Mon - Sat]
Rank Username Posts Percent Graph
1 raulgirmas 2 50%
2 Oneimo 1 25%
3 Sving2909 1 25%

Top posting users this Month [July 2024]
Rank Username Posts Percent Graph
1 almarasimar 3 27%
2 raulgirmas 2 18%
3 lucasfarian 2 18%
4 Chemitageo 1 9%
5 Jose Manuel SRV 1 9%
6 Oneimo 1 9%
7 Sving2909 1 9%

Most interesting topics
Rank Topic Rate (views/messages) Graph
1 Moto Sport Telemetry Tracker 100%
2 La SRV 850 añadida al foro! 100%
3 Normas 100%
4 Solución Arranque En Frío 100%
5 Nuevo Desde Madrid - Reportero 100%
6 Prueba En Cyberscooter 100%
7 Consejos para articulos en venta. 100%
8 Gp 800 Negra Con Maleta Givi 100%
9 Reles 100%
10 . CRONICA De Una KDD, Madrid 28 De Mayo 2011 100%

Number of new topics by month
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2008 0 2 3 12 43 31 15 18 28 27 27 21
2009 23 24 42 30 30 39 33 28 53 102 95 65
2010 50 71 60 85 77 91 77 67 78 65 52 54
2011 55 69 51 55 62 49 48 32 61 57 52 51
2012 38 41 60 43 35 37 24 32 33 47 25 20
2013 23 19 28 30 23 20 18 20 22 31 22 13
2014 13 17 14 24 19 17 15 9 27 10 6 7
2015 13 4 13 11 8 8 7 7 1 5 5 11
2016 12 8 4 4 11 6 10 9 16 9 9 13
2017 8 13 12 10 9 10 8 8 9 16 9 11
2018 6 9 4 15 8 4 8 4 4 7 5 9
2019 6 9 8 14 5 3 8 7 6 6 6 11
2020 6 10 4 5 6 10 7 9 5 8 12 6
2021 4 2 7 6 4 4 5 6 7 7 3 1
2022 5 4 0 2 0 1 5 2 1 4 0 1
2023 3 2 1 3 0 1 1 3 0 1 4 9
2024 6 2 3 2 7 4 8 0 0 0 0 0

Most Logged On Users
Rank Username Logged On Time Percent Graph
1 kUcHilla 1 Week, 3 Days, 15:57:36 67%
2 andy 5 Days, 05:24:02 33%

Number of new posts by month
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2008 0 3 10 38 203 229 117 147 183 250 266 207
2009 185 211 479 289 264 376 300 379 1077 1885 1783 1073
2010 685 1597 1308 1273 1272 973 1175 799 1127 1018 786 761
2011 822 996 703 653 825 771 692 322 645 977 819 550
2012 398 387 834 397 376 313 214 244 324 335 211 176
2013 242 172 236 271 147 135 151 190 119 177 127 86
2014 84 156 129 168 156 154 114 91 133 91 55 50
2015 72 48 82 66 66 70 30 44 30 26 41 68
2016 55 73 31 23 48 28 90 89 88 47 112 142
2017 70 66 78 67 60 96 87 97 61 133 52 74
2018 98 83 35 107 66 38 48 39 43 42 31 21
2019 32 43 64 65 26 24 39 23 41 16 19 66
2020 23 51 25 15 25 67 10 27 21 23 29 8
2021 11 13 15 9 6 5 11 9 21 17 11 3
2022 7 9 0 2 1 1 11 4 2 7 7 1
2023 5 5 1 5 0 1 3 6 5 3 7 15
2024 9 3 6 6 7 7 11 0 0 0 0 0

Administrative Statistics
Statistic Value Statistic Value
Number of posts 43277 Posts per day 7.16
Number of topics 3870 Topics per day 0.64
Number of users 3078 Users per day 0.51
Board started Sat 05 Jan, 2008 21:22 Board Up Days 6048.00
Database size Not available Avatar directory size 3.98 MB
Latest User Registered Date Fri 26 Jul, 2024 20:13 Latest User Registered Oneimo
Most Users Ever Online Date Sat 28 Sep, 2019 22:10 Most Users Ever Online 1166
Gzip compression Enabled Disk Usage 134.4 MB


Nota legal: gp800 club es una organización sin ánimo de lucro. Gilera y el logotipo de Gilera son marcas registradas utilizadas bajo permiso.